Gay community life initially centered around gay bars, which became hubs of many social and activist movements in the late 1960s and 1970s. Not only does PrideFest serve as a time for members and friends of the GLBT community to connect, have fun, demonstrate gay pride, and show support for gay rights it also commemorates a pivotal moment in gay rights history, the Stonewall Riots. The event’s evolution in Denver reflects social and political changes affecting the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) community through the decades. Contact National & State Register StaffĪlthough no designated landmark pays tribute to Denver’s gay and lesbian history, the annual PrideFest celebration has anchored the community since June 1974.Recent Listings in the National & State Registers.Colorado State Register of Historic Properties.Preservation Planning Unit Resource Center.Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation.Information for Archaeologists, Paleontologists and Researchers.Information for Students and Volunteers.Information for Museums and Curatorial Repositories.State-Approved Museums and Curatorial Repositories Expand.
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